
the pursuit of happiness

I watched this movie for the millionth time on TNT. Love TNT for this reason. They will show the same movie back to back and when it is The Pursuit of Happyness, I will happily watch it back to back. I always think I should just own it but then why do I need to if it's always on tv? I feel like when it comes on, maybe it's a reminder that I need some inspiration.

I read the book well after first seeing the movie. The book was, as usual when books are turned into movies, a lot more detailed and less happy ending then movies like us to believe. The book did have a happy ending but Chris Gardner had to overcome a whole hell of a lot more than he did in the Will Smith movie version. And I think two things: one, he had it worse than I ever did and not only survived but thrived, and two, he has the kind of strength and attitude I wish that everyone possessed, including myself. I am trying.

Oppositions are placed in our way every day. And after awhile they wear us down. They make us not reach as high or strive for as much. You can't lose anything you never had. The motto of every pessimist out there who likes to pretend that they live in reality. They're placed before us to make us work. To make us appreciate the feeling we have when we get to the other side.

Because when you are faced with a crisis, a heartbreak, something that you think you will never be able to move on from we have a choice. Chin up and power forward, one step at a time, no matter how small the steps. Or stop time. Stop in our crisis or heartbreak and fester there forever. Even if you have to pep talk yourself. Even if you have setbacks on the move forward. Even if you become cynical in the moment, know deep down that life is full of challenges.

It's just up to us to keep moving...

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