
inspired by inspiration

So maybe I'm not the first person who watched Julie and Julia and felt inspired. And maybe it's a little ridiculous to be inspired by a movie that was inspired by a book, inspired by a blog...well, you get the point. And maybe I'm also not the first person who thought, I, too, can write a blog and people will read it.

To be honest, I believe blogging is self-indulgent. I mean, of course it is. I mean I'm writing to you, a person I don't know who doesn't know me to impart my 'wisdom'. Blogging though is like keeping a journal (which I still do and have done for oh, about fifteen years now) and it feels good.

This blog is supposed to make you feel good. Finding inspiration in a day can be hard to come by, when the world isn't right. When your world isn't right. The small stuff still counts when you're having a bad day. Because every one good thing that happens, whether it's a perfect cup of coffee, a smile from a stranger, that's one less thing about your day that was bad. One more day you made it through...

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