
know what you want

Today a friend of mine was shooting part of his new music video in my apartment. With his crew of people that came to work was a kid, I'm going to guess maybe 10 or 11 and he was helping out. He was there to handle the mikes, he told me. He seemed so self-assured in his role and so confident that he knew exactly what he was doing. He didn't seem fazed or intimidated by anything going on and if anything, seemed calm and in control of his role.

Later, I asked him if filming and producing is something he wanted to do when he got older. He just shrugged his shoulders and said he wasn't sure. Like the thought never crossed his mind that this was an endeavor he could some day pursue as a career. For now, it was just something fun that he could be a part of and for a minute, I was jealous of that kid.

He wasn't thinking about working a day job or where his life was headed in terms of career goals. He wasn't worried if something didn't pan out for him right away or if he had to decide right at that moment if 'holding the mike' was what he wanted to do for the rest of his life.

Maybe he gets that luxury because he's not an adult. Maybe we forget we have that luxury because we are.

We can change our minds if we like. We can shrug our shoulders and not know once in awhile. I almost forgot what that felt like. Lucky for me, a kid I just met indirectly reminded me today.

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