
i am a betty

My friend told me that I remind her of Ugly Betty. Personality, not looks-wise. I've never watched the show, which I guess is now over, but I asked her to elaborate. She explained, Betty says she's going to do something, it might be ridiculous or silly, but if she gets the idea in her head, she will do it and innately know things will all work out in the end.

Betty is lucky, because her plans have been marked out by story writers who love to give viewers a happy ending. But, I am luckier, because as cheesy as it sounds, I am the writer of my own story.

All the things I decide to do, whether it's a planned move cross-country, a leap in love, I will stand by choice and have one-hundred percent faith that everything will work out, not only how it's supposed to, but in a way that turns out pretty freaking amazing.

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